Shut Soul’s last blog “One-Diet-Fits-All 3”- The Myth had content related to Blood Type B and their respective physiological traits like digestive capacities, muscular strength and stress handling. This blog will throw some light on Blood Type AB and its respective functioning in response to diet, stress and exercise. Also it will highlight lifestyle strategies to maintain overall health.

People with blood type AB carry both antigens A and B on their red blood cells. But they possess no antibody which undoubtedly makes it receive blood from all blood types whether its blood types A, B, AB or O donors but can donate to none other than self. Thus, it’s called Universal Recipient.

Type AB is Different!
Blood group AB is the rarest of all the blood groups, found only in 5% of the total population. It’s newest of all the blood types formed due to intermingling of blood types A and B. They share qualities and drawbacks of both Type A and Type B. Type AB has unique chameleon like characteristics – depending on the circumstances, sometimes A-like, sometimes B-like and sometimes a fusion of both.

Type AB is a remarkable reflection of evolutionary revolution and a proof that genetic traits of our ancestors live in our blood today. Like type A, type AB also has low levels of stomach acid but they also have adaptation to meats. Lack of enough acids to metabolize meats is responsible for their storage as fat. Foods containing lectins are more likely to react with tissues and cells of type AB. If trying to lose weight tofu, seafood, dairy products and green vegetables must be considered.   Smaller and frequent meals should be preferred to counteract digestive issues caused by inadequate enzymes. All smoked and cured meats must be avoided as they aggravate risk of stomach cancer. Combination of protein and starch together should be kept far for efficient metabolism. Caffeine and alcohol should be avoided especially in stressful times.

Stress Handling

Type AB resembles greatly to type O in stressful moments. They tend to overproduce catecholamines like adrenaline under pressure. They have high emotional quotient as nitric oxide is rapidly cleared. Being introverts they tend to internalize emotions, especially anger and hostility which is much more damaging for type AB.

Exercise-The Essential Component
Calming strategies and intensive physical exercises can be practiced hand-in-hand to maintain an optimal balance. Aerobics and meditation should be practiced to work out emotional equilibrium.

Live Right! Live Tight!

Here are Dr. D’Adamo’s key lifestyle strategies for people with Blood Type AB:
·        Cultivate your social nature in welcoming environments.
·        Avoid ritualistic thinking and fixating on issues, especially those you can’t control or influence.
·        Develop a clear plan for goals and tasks – annually, monthly, weekly, daily.
·        Make lifestyle changes gradually, rather than trying to tackle everything at once.
·       Engage in forty-five to sixty minutes of aerobic exercise at least twice a week. Balanced by daily stretching, meditation or yoga.
·        Practice visualization techniques daily.
·       Have at least one sport, hobby or activity that you perform independently of others.
·      Break up your workday with some physical activity, especially if your job is sedentary. You’ll feel more energized.


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